2 + 2 with neural networks

Some weeks ago, I was at a get together with my old university friends that we call “the hack day”. It usually revolves around drinking lots of coffee and soft drinks, eating loads of chips and candy, as well as working on the occasional masterpiece project like Zombie Hugs. At the end of the day,… Continue reading 2 + 2 with neural networks

Generating cartoon avatars with GANs

You might have heard of Deepfakes, which are images or videos where someone’s face is replaced by another person’s face. There are various techniques for creating Deepfakes, one of them being Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). A GAN is a type of neural network that can generate realistic data from random input data. When used for… Continue reading Generating cartoon avatars with GANs

A bank transaction analysis tool for the browser

This graph shows my four most common expense categories during 2018 and how they changed from month to month. It is a screenshot from one of the charts in OTB, a bank transaction analysis tool that I have been working on for a while. OTB was created to fulfill my need for seeing what expense… Continue reading A bank transaction analysis tool for the browser