The Notepad trick

There is a good reason Notepad has survived through all iterations of Windows. It is the best tool for clearing formatting! For example, copying text from a webpage to Word will often keep the formatting (color, size and so on) but copying it to Notepad first and then re-copying it to the other editor clears… Continue reading The Notepad trick

Unix tools on Windows

The other day, I set out on a journey to get many of the wonderful Unix tools running on Windows in something that resembles a terminal. In case you did not know, you can come a very long way by installing msysgit. It includes a terminal called Git Bash and all the common Unix tools… Continue reading Unix tools on Windows

An SMTP server for testing

Today I needed to send some test emails from my application and I searched around for a very simple SMTP server that can save outgoing emails to a folder instead of actually sending them. This is nice for debugging and testing email functionality in an application. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to find something useful.… Continue reading An SMTP server for testing