David Volquartz Lebech


Hi, I'm David. I am a recent graduate from the University of Oregon with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. This page contains very basic information related to my education and interests and will be online for as long as the department keeps me on file. For personal information, visit my main website.


Since taking Introduction to Artifical Intelligence with professor Arthur Farley, I have found Artificial Intelligence very intriguing and continued to explore the area.

I have interest in both classic AI fields such as Machine Learning but I also like to study cognitive science and the philosophy behind AI. Together with professor Arthur Farley I have read and discussed the book Mindware, written by Andy Clark, and through my reading with professor Dejing Dou, I have explored a practical area of Machine Learning, namely using Independent Component Analysis for fMRI images (see below). I am a member of the Advanced Integration and Mining lab (AIM lab) at the CS department.

Teaching and research

Classes taken

Sub bullets contain links to selected work done in the class.

David Volquartz Lebech - last updated August 27, 2010