The new place

Oh my, it has been a long time since I last wrote something in here. A lot of things have been going on.

I finally moved in to my own room. It is part of a house and we live five people here. Two Swedish girls, Cecilia and Maria, (see earlier posts for pictures) and two american guys, Andrew and Dan (no pictures of them yet). They are all very nice people.

It’s wonderful to have my own place and I already enjoy living here a lot. Susan and Scott have been very helpful in transporting me and my stuff, and picking me up at strange times to get something at other parts of town (e.g. a bicycle (yeah, I got a bicycle now too!)). The room is not much right now (pictures will follow) but is has a nice atmosphere and strangely enough, I feel like at home here already.

School has started too. My Danish class is only three persons so they get a lot of attention from me. I am already excited about following their progress and hope to get them excelling in the Danish language… my own courses are Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Systems. A LOT of work has to be done during the term. In Denmark, some courses are just graded by a final exam and participation is not always necessary. I am fortunately used to having a lot of deliveries but many Danish students would probably find it difficult. One thing that I am still not good at doing though: Reading. That is going to be my major obstacle during my year here.

I’ve only been to Eugene for three weeks now but it seems like ages ago since I stepped out of the airplane. When people talk about their exchange student experiences they always say that time flies and goes by very quickly. Well, I sure hope things aren’t speeded up because I want to enjoy every moment of this!

2 responses to “The new place”

  1. Tillykke med at du har fundet et godt sted at bo, og at du allerede er begyndt at føle dig hjemme. Det er super vigtigt når man nu er langt væk fra kendte omgivelser, sådan oplevede jeg det hvertfald.

    Og få så sparket noget internet i den hytte! Det er ikke fordi du ligefrem du tit er online :P

  2. Tak, det er faktisk et rigtig godt sted. Vi havde indflytterfest i går, der var en masse mennesker, og det var super hyggeligt.

    Jeg er faktisk online rigtig meget af tiden, men der sover I jo ;-) Og når det er aften hos jer, er det eftermiddag hos mig, og der er jeg ikke så meget online som om aftenen.
