He wasn’t

Big Brother was not watching or at least he did not feel that I should get denied a Visa.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone (including all you spambots that account for most of my visit counts) a merry Christmas.

I wonder if the spambots picked up on that.

4 responses to “He wasn’t”

  1. So Big Brother didn’t catch on to all your sketchy, underground terrorist activity? I hope this comment doesn’t lead to some investigation on you. Glad you got your visa renewed. Merry Christmas!

    • Apparently not. But they still can at the airport on the 30th. Haha, I almost do not want to joke about it but on the other hand, it is silly being so paranoid. Merry Christmas to you too.

  2. As an international traveller yourself,
    what do you think of travel to China,
    considering even Google is pulling out?

    • I think we should be careful not judging a whole country by whatever quarrels they might have with international businesses. Armed conflicts are different. I mean, I wouldn’t travel to Afghanistan right now, for example. But there is no danger in China, just because Google does not want to comply with country restrictions, however silly and suppressing they might be.

      If you are thinking specifically of the current China opportunity in the CS department, I would not hesitate to apply for it. I think it is a great opportunity!