The Apache Beam SDK for Python is currently lacking some of the transforms found in the Java SDK. I created a very minimal example of an Apache Beam MongoDB read transform for Python that might be useful for someone else looking for an answer.

I will update this post in the future if/when the Apache maintainers include support for MongoDB in the SDK. I know I could contribute to the project directly, but I don’t have time for it right now unfortunately :-)

Golly Gosh Moments

You know that time you realized that you have been doing something the wrong way for a very long time and then finally realize the wrongness. For the sake of the low profanity rating of this blog, let’s call these golly gosh moments, although the Millennials might better understand #FML. Homer just says do’h. So… Continue reading Golly Gosh Moments

Fractals revisited

Going through old code can be fun and educational. While updating my website, I took an extra look at some of my featured code. When I came across my simple fractal simulations on the <canvas> element, I was quite surprised to see how much I violated the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. The three simulations… Continue reading Fractals revisited