The Apache Beam SDK for Python is currently lacking some of the transforms found in the Java SDK. I created a very minimal example of an Apache Beam MongoDB read transform for Python that might be useful for someone else looking for an answer.

I will update this post in the future if/when the Apache maintainers include support for MongoDB in the SDK. I know I could contribute to the project directly, but I don’t have time for it right now unfortunately :-)

Experimental features

This post is about Antecons, a product recommendation engine, now part of Conversio. Antecons is no longer commercially available, but I have kept my developer diary on my website with permission. Yesterday, I found out exactly what it means when Google warns about their experimental App Engine features: Your code might eventually break. Let me… Continue reading Experimental features

Antecons developer diary part 3

This post is about Antecons, a product recommendation engine, now part of Conversio. Antecons is no longer commercially available, but I have kept my developer diary on my website with permission. On Friday, October 5, 2012, Antecons was started over from scratch and another journey begun. How long this journey will be and what will… Continue reading Antecons developer diary part 3

Antecons developer diary part 1

This post is about Antecons, a product recommendation engine, now part of Conversio. Antecons is no longer commercially available, but I have kept my developer diary on my website with permission. It has been a year since the first announcement of Antecons. What has happened since then? Absolutely nothing. The reason for this seems to… Continue reading Antecons developer diary part 1